The idea is simple and patterned after the scripture that reads: "If I fish for you, you eat for a day. If I teach you to fish, you eat for a lifetime." The fisher kids responsibility station has been developed to provide an engaging, stylish, organized, and streamlined aid for parents as we all struggle tirelessly to raise independent, responsible children.
The support doesn't stop there! You also receive supportive newsletters to offer tops, tools, and relevent articles. My favorite feature is the Give it, Save it, Spend it section. I truly wish that was a skill that was given to me during childhood. It is a priority to teach this to The Buddy and this is a great way to do it!
Complete Kit $48.00: Includes everything you need to get started! This is a responsibility station for one child...the ideal product to offer full ownership and accountability to your child as you teach household responsibility, accountability, and financial responsibility. Includes one 16" X 16" magnetic pegboard, hanging hardware, pegboard hooks, dry-erase weekly responsibility magnet, paycheck notepad, chore chooser, chore sticks, 3 money bags, and parent's guide.
This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion!