Hold The Crust

Remember when you had to have the crust cut off your sandwiches?? I do, and don't blame The Buddy for not wanting it on his sandwiches. Now if I could just get him to eat whatever I put in front of him. (sigh) I know this is a daunting task at most homes, but maybe The Lunch Punch will bring us a step closer. The idea behind lunch punch is a way to get the crust off your bread while keeping as much of the rest of the bread as possible. I like it! They even made it taller than a regular cookie cutter to accommodate for 2 pieces of bread. I dare your Buddy to not eat his food now!

Note: These would also make a great party appetizer at your Buddy's next birthday party!

Match & Munch Puzzle Cutter comes in a set of 4 different puzzle possibilities!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion

April Showers

I hate rain. I don't like it to touch me and I hate driving in it...it definitely makes me a debby downer. BUT this line of rain gear makes me smile! I think The Buddy would love this set of Pirate Rainwear found at Kitsel.
I love the sword handle :o)

My second favorite is the Dinosaur Line:

The cool part is that the line has a hooded towel, backpack, and in some cases, a scarf and hat that matches. These would make a great gift. In fact, the entire site is a good find! Go check it out.

This post is not sponsored and is 100% my opinion


Tiny but Mighty

The Buddy seems to grow tired of his toys quickly, but I just came across this new line of boy toys that I think would keep him busy for a while. They are Mighty World play sets from International Play. There are 5 Categories that would fit any boy's imagination.
The recommended age is 4 and up. My nephew would love this because he loves to play make believe and these sets would be a great addition to any imagination. Looks fun to me!

This post is not sponsored and is 100% my opinion.


Time to Party Tuesday: 2 Parties are better than 1!

A friend of mine, and fellow 'boy mom' Sarah, had the daunting task of hosting 2 first birthday parties for her son. With Family in both Texas and California it was a given that there would be 2 parties. Sarah is a fabulous party planner and got it right with the themes. She hosted a Texas country theme in California and a California cool theme in Texas. We were lucky enough to attend the California themed party here in Texas and it was so much fun! Check out these details!

Don't Mess with Texas

You see banners at every party these days, but a picture banner is more fun!

Perfect Cake

Grab bag lunch
brilliantly easy and very cute

Hats and Hay...what else do you need?

Simple, but looks great

Texas shaped cookies

Personalized water bottle labels
Again, so easy but make such a difference

Cute Family! I love the sign in front of the trough full of drinks...so clever

California Dreamin

Mobile made of birthday boy pics and beach balls

Uh-dorable cake, cupcakes
The sand was made of crushed graham crackers

I am loving pinwheels lately and it made a perfect centerpiece. The tablecloths were made of beach towels!

Same great grab bag idea...still cute!

Cookie favors and they were delicious


The gang
(that's me and The Buddy on the right)

Sarah did a fabulous job sticking with a system, always thinking outside the box and taking a theme to it's fullest. You can bet we won't miss one of Sarah's parties!

Have a great boy party that you have hosted or attended? Please feel free to pass it on to pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com!


Gift Ideas

Spring is in the air and somehow that brings about lots of invitations. My mailbox has been full of wedding, birthday and especially baby shower invites lately. If your mailbox is full of the same, then these gift ideas for boys should help get you stocked up for all the boy birthday parties and showers for future boy moms coming up!

                                                                Great First Birthday gifts

Construction Cutlery from Flying Peas $17.50

Rockin Headphones shirt from Flying Peas $24

Great Baby shower gifts for the Boy mom-to-be

Rockabye Baby CD's $17 at Flying Peas

Gifts ideas for older boys

ZoobCube at Gift Hero $30

Re-gift-it Gift bag encourages to give green $7.95

Have you given or received a cool gift recently? Comment about it for all of us!

This post is not sponsored and is 100% my opinion.

Mother's Day Hint

If you are anything like me, you leave hints around the house for gifts you would like to receive. (Or I outright point and say, "wouldn't this make a great gift!"). My husband is never surprised by my unsubtle ways of showing him what I want. Anyway, I have been eyeing some jewelry that I could have The Buddy's name and birthstone added.

There are lots of options out there and they would even make a great Lala gift (my mother's grandma name) this mother's day. Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9th this year. Just in case you haven't started hinting yet...

My personal favorite (got that honey??) is from Swank Mommy. I love the modern look and that you can add a back plate with anything you like. For instance, the back could have a nickname, birthdate, or special quote from their favorite book....ANYTHING!

I also like that you can add different pendents as your family grows to create a cool layered necklace.


Another company that a lot of my 'boy mom' friends use is My Name Necklace. They are very cute and look great on. It makes a great gift for the expecting 'boy mom' too!


Tiny with a BIG Cause

Have you heard of Toms Shoes? If not, take a minute to read all about them here. In short, with every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. The great part is they are really comfy and cool to wear.

I especially love their tiny/youth line and can't wait for The Buddy to fit into them. The bonus is they come in mommy sizes too! I  my burlap ones :o)

This post is not sponsored and is 100% my opinion.


Fellow 'Boy Mom' and good friend, Adriane recently passed on a fabulous..eh um...I mean cool new line for boys! It is called Fore! Axel and Hudson. A lot of people consider "cool" boys clothes to only have guitars, skulls and cross bones or the ever popular animals with funny sayings (see ya later, alligator), but if you really look there are other options out there! Now don't get me wrong, 90% of The Buddy's clothes fit into one of the categories above and that is simply because I feel like that is all there is to choose from. NOW I know differently!

What is cool about Fore!! Axel and Hudson is how it is a clever mix of country club and california. Laid back and preppy at the same time.

Shop online HERE
 Follow them on Facebook HERE
Check out the entire Spring Line HERE

Do you have a cool find, funny quote or story that a 'boy mom' would love? If so, email it to pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion.

Time to Party Tuesday: Boy Birthdays

Birthday party planning makes me giddy. My head starts to spin with theme ideas and details while my hubby's head starts to spin at the thought of what I might spend. My fear is that one day soon The Buddy will no longer let me have a say in his birthday party plans. I mean there is only so much you can do with an elmo or thomas the train theme, right! Wrong, there are actually really great tricks to make a character party not cheesy. So anytime I stumble upon a great boy party I try to bookmark it for future reference. Why do little girls get to have all the fun!? Well they don't!

I plan to post great boy parties as I come across them. If you have hosted one, please feel free to pass it on to pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com. We could all use a little inspiration, right!

This is a creative Camp Out Birthday party for a 6 year old from "Random thoughts of a Supermom" I love that it was planned from 3pm to 7pm, so you don't have to fuss with a sleepover. Here are my favorite details:
simple but perfect invitation

A walking stick and handkerchief never looked so fun!

Super simple: cupcake mix, can of frosting, and a fruit rollup for the flame

a camp out wouldn't be complete without smores! YUM!
Party perfect favors

You can see all of the party details here!