Time to Party Tuesday: 2 Parties are better than 1!

A friend of mine, and fellow 'boy mom' Sarah, had the daunting task of hosting 2 first birthday parties for her son. With Family in both Texas and California it was a given that there would be 2 parties. Sarah is a fabulous party planner and got it right with the themes. She hosted a Texas country theme in California and a California cool theme in Texas. We were lucky enough to attend the California themed party here in Texas and it was so much fun! Check out these details!

Don't Mess with Texas

You see banners at every party these days, but a picture banner is more fun!

Perfect Cake

Grab bag lunch
brilliantly easy and very cute

Hats and Hay...what else do you need?

Simple, but looks great

Texas shaped cookies

Personalized water bottle labels
Again, so easy but make such a difference

Cute Family! I love the sign in front of the trough full of drinks...so clever

California Dreamin

Mobile made of birthday boy pics and beach balls

Uh-dorable cake, cupcakes
The sand was made of crushed graham crackers

I am loving pinwheels lately and it made a perfect centerpiece. The tablecloths were made of beach towels!

Same great grab bag idea...still cute!

Cookie favors and they were delicious


The gang
(that's me and The Buddy on the right)

Sarah did a fabulous job sticking with a system, always thinking outside the box and taking a theme to it's fullest. You can bet we won't miss one of Sarah's parties!

Have a great boy party that you have hosted or attended? Please feel free to pass it on to pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com!


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