
Fellow 'Boy Mom' and good friend, Adriane recently passed on a um...I mean cool new line for boys! It is called Fore! Axel and Hudson. A lot of people consider "cool" boys clothes to only have guitars, skulls and cross bones or the ever popular animals with funny sayings (see ya later, alligator), but if you really look there are other options out there! Now don't get me wrong, 90% of The Buddy's clothes fit into one of the categories above and that is simply because I feel like that is all there is to choose from. NOW I know differently!

What is cool about Fore!! Axel and Hudson is how it is a clever mix of country club and california. Laid back and preppy at the same time.

Shop online HERE
 Follow them on Facebook HERE
Check out the entire Spring Line HERE

Do you have a cool find, funny quote or story that a 'boy mom' would love? If so, email it to

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion.

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