Tag! You're It


In the days leading up to The Buddy's first day of preschool, I was itching to figure out a way to label all of his things. There are options that slide around sippy cups, iron on clothing labels, to label pacifiers...even thin ones to label your pencils! I didn't know what to choose!?

Then I found Kiddotags.com. They specialize in custom name labels that stick to your Kiddo's toys, bottles, cups, pacifiers, etc. The best part is they are Dishwasher and Microwave Safe, Waterproof, Weather-proof (UV-Resistant) and scuff-proof!

My FAVORITE item is their NEW Value Pack! This nifty pack includes:

•80 Pencil Thin Kiddo Tags

•30 Mini Kiddo Tags

•20 Polka Dot Kiddo Tags

•5 Pair of Shoe Dots

•2 Bag Tags

That is 132 tags for $34.99!! Coming from someone who paid over $50 for half the amount of labels, I am kicking myself for not doing better research! The other cool option is that as you tweak your custom design, it lets you view your work. That way you know exactly what your getting.

Warning** Customizing can be addicting!

Kiddotags is also introducing their new Peek-A-Boo line of unique customizable name tags

Wouldn't this make a perfect back to school gift for your little buddy?? What product is your MUST HAVE before school starts??

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion!

A 'FIN'tastic FREE Printable

The beginning of the school year is approaching fast so I thought I would share a gift idea that I am planning to us. I came across THESE cool soaps last week. You could use them for an End of summer/Back to School party gift OR a Teacher Welcome gift!

"Looking forward to a 'FIN'tastic Year!"

"Summer is O'FISH'ally Over!"

Isn't it amazing that these are soap!? And only $4.99 Each!!

I plan to purchase some of these ca-ute soaps and add one of THESE tags:

This project is super easy! All that you need is some cute scrapbook paper and a 3 inch circle punch! These would also make perfect party favors OR balloon weights for your next Swim/Ocean party :o)


Lunchbox Love

 Do you have fond memories of receiving notes in your lunchbox growing up? Like everything else since we were kids, Say Please has evolved those hand written smile makers into a great product. Lunchbox Love is a collection of positive notes and fun trivia for your Buddy's lunchbox, backpack, binder, or pillow.

At $3.99 a volume (and 8 impressive volumes offered), I think these would make great for the first day of school? Or even stocking stuffers! (It's never too early!)

The front is always a positive phrase and the back is always interesting trivia. Wouldn't your Buddy enjoy receiving these!?

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion!

Time to Party Tuesday: Blue and Green

As I mentioned yesterday, I am drawn to the blue and green party color combo. It reminds me of Back to School time (I don't know why, but it does) These two parties do an awe inspiring job of carrying a color scheme throughout the entire party!

THIS party brings a preppy feel to a Swim theme!

I love the swim shorts logo!

Cupcakes in ice cream cones...too cute!

Personalized beach pails as favors

Simple seating area that looks great!

THIS party has been on my favorites list for a while. It is an unique Sing Along theme with the same blue and green color combo. If you haven't spent some time with Christy on P is for Party, you need to head there next and plan to be there for a while. I love her work, and as a fellow boy mom she will always be a great inspiration for boy parties :o)

Perfect tablescape

This look is as simple as adding a sticker to a plate...see, you can do that!

I love the clean look of the white cupcake base

sandwiches wrapped in scrapbook paper!

Individual microphones as party favors :o)

What other color combinations are you loving these days?? Please share! And as always, if you have a boy party to pass along, send it on over to pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com


10 ways to go from party to Soiree!

I am an Event Director by day and a party planner whenever there is a reason to celebrate! Which for me, is often :o) Today, I thought I would share with you my favorite hobby. I love celebrating people and what better way than a party??

Here are my personal TOP 10 Party Planning Guidelines.

1) Theme: Starting with a theme is most important because this will be your guide in making any decisions about the party. I always try to choose a theme that best fits the guest of honor. For instance, The Buddy, is a spunky almost 2yr old that loves to climb on anything that will hold him and to Slide...HE LOVES TO SLIDE! I put the two together and settled on a Chutes and Ladders theme!

{Invite made by Pen & Paper Flowers}

2)Color Scheme: Choosing a color scheme is always my next choice. It will help you in choosing party supplies. My favorite place to get party color combination options is in magazines. Fashion magazines are always a great resource for great new color combos. My favorite right now are Navy blue and lime green, Bright Orange and Pink as well as Grey with anything (Think Grey with Yellow, Grey with Pink, Grey with Turqoise)

3) Invite/Favor: These two aspects should receive a lot of your attention. These are the 2 things that your guests will remember the most about your soiree.

When creating your invitation, please make sure that you give all necessary details pertaining to the party. Hosts sometimes list the park but no address...or whether there will be food served. Another popular addition is a rain delay. Hosts are choosing the next available weekend as a reschedule date in the instance that it rains on the party day. I haven't done this yet, but would be interested to try it in the future.

Party favors are a keepsake of the memory you provided for your guests. I highly recommend taking the time to think about a favor that compliments your party as much as possible. I also love a favor that has a use. For instance the favors at my Cupcakes and Cocktails 30th Birthday party were hand towels rolled up to look like cupcakes. The favor was easily taken apart and used as a hand towel.

4) Location, Location, Location: My Motto is - You Never Know Until You Ask - Party locations are all around you. It is always fun to think outside of the box when determining a party location. For instance, this weekend we are invited to a 4yr olds birthday party at the local firestation. My 30th Birthday was celebrated at a boutique that let me use the store during closed business hours. My guests felt like VIP shoppers and I got the atmosphere I wanted! Just remember: You Never Know Until You Ask :o)

5) Inspiration... Is EVERYWHERE. I find party slogans, themes and invitation wording all around me. From store ads/windows, to rhymes in my son's books, to movie quotes. If you start an inspiration file and stow away anything you find that you like, you will have an inspiration file of ideas to pull from when its time to celebrate someone.

{Kate Spade Store Ad}

{Inspired party detail}

6) Organization is Key. I have a very detailed To do list that is constantly being updated. It is helpful for me to get it out of my head and to write it down. It is also a great feeling to cross things off.

7) Timing. By timing I mean the time of the party. Are you planning to feed your guests a full lunch or just cake and ice cream. The time of your party will let your guests know what to expect. Even breakfast could be a cheaper option to feed guests than dinner. Keep this in mind when determining what kind of party you are hosting.

8) Do It Yourself (DIY)... I love coming across a project and making it my own. You can adjust almost any idea to fit your theme and these are the details that your guests will talk about to their friends later. The biggest compliment I have ever received after hosting a party was when I was told that I had thought of every detail. People appreciate the little things and you can't always purchase those at the party store. There are lots of fabulous party blogs out there to inspire you as well!

Homemade Cupcake Toppers

9) Delegate. Has anyone ever asked if they could bring something? OR if you need any help with anything? Your answer better be YES! I would love your help! There is no reason to carry the entire process on your own and it makes people feel great to be a part of things, so let em!

10) Enjoy. You have worked hard to celebrate the guest of honor and you should enjoy it! If you follow 1-9 you should be in great shape by Par-tay time!!

{ Enjoying my 30th birthday party with my sister}

I would LOVE to hear your party planning tips because I am all about new ideas!


Now that is smart!

I always love a smart product that makes my life easier! That is what the Innobaby Packin Smart Stack N Seal does...makes life easier!

This all-in-One Storage Solution for Moms On-the-Go is now designed to store both liquid & dry! A must have diaper bag essential to store, dispense and organize formula, cereal, snacks, water, extra juice, pacifiers and more in one convenient place.

This will put an end to your diaper bag mess or endless search for the items you need. Twist-to-Seal design allows you to stack and interlock multiple containers while quality construction allows each use as simple as it can be. What is better than that!?

This post is not sponsored and 100 % my opinion!

Don't forget to Link up to our Blog Hop! Today is the last day to join us :o)


From a Distance

**REMINDER: Tomorrow is the last day to link up to our blog hop! Your link will live in our "For Mommy" section once you link up :o) So...what are you waiting for??

We currently have the thermometer that I swipe across The Buddy's forehead and have been pleased with it, but there have been times that he is sick and sleeping and I want to check his temperature without waking him. Now there is Thermofocus! Thermofocus is the first non contact (at-distance) clinical forehead thermometer in the world.

Designed to allow you to take your baby's temperature without even touching him, It is enough to get Thermofocus close to your baby's forehead to see his body temperature in a few seconds.

This thermometer's measurements are quick, precise, hygienic, and safe! You can even measure the temp on food, room, bath water....anything!

A correct measurement is easily determined thanks to a LED system emitting two light beams (normal red light which is totally safe). As the thermometer is moved closer to the forehead, at the right distance the two beams converge to form a single red spot on the skin of the forehead. 

I plan to pick up one of these for The Buddy soon :o) Great thing is you can find it at most retailers!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


Baby Week: Mom Invented, Mom approved!

These two products are invented by moms who see a need and fill it for the rest of us. Aren't we glad they do!?

First up is the Dropper Stopper!

Any product that makes things hands free is fabulous if you ask me! My dropper stopper is a stylish way to be hands free and The Buddy loves it too. It keeps his sippy within reach so he can grab it whenever he wants. ( and off the ground when he throws it ) My favorite feature is the generous amount of snap buttons running the length of the stopper. It makes it so I can attach it to almost anything and it holds anything I have tried! You may have seen other types of holders, but the Dropper Stopper truly is different because of the many snaps. If you are in the Dallas area, Sam Moon is even carrying them now! If not, you can find a retailer HERE. Happy shopping :o)

The Dropper Stopper comes in trendy fabrics that are mashine washable. I think it is a great gift for the 'Boy Mom' to be!

Next up is the PadaLily!

Have you ever seen this?? I think it is BRILLIANT! As a mom that stands all of 4' 11", I had a hard time lugging The Buddy in his carseat. It killed to carry the seat handle over my forearm! The Padlily fixes all that! It was invented and created by a fellow 'Boy Mom' soon after her third child was born. As her arm became sore from the carseat handle digging into her, the idea struck. She decided to invent a product that cushioned her arm and also looked stylish! I really could have used this product. If anyone out there has ever used one of these, let us know what how it worked for you!!

All Designs are reversible AND washable!

Coco Blue $26.00
I can't wait to gift these to my new mommy friends!
This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion

Don't forget to Link up  to our Blog Hop! Friday is the deadline to join us :o)
