From a Distance

**REMINDER: Tomorrow is the last day to link up to our blog hop! Your link will live in our "For Mommy" section once you link up :o) So...what are you waiting for??

We currently have the thermometer that I swipe across The Buddy's forehead and have been pleased with it, but there have been times that he is sick and sleeping and I want to check his temperature without waking him. Now there is Thermofocus! Thermofocus is the first non contact (at-distance) clinical forehead thermometer in the world.

Designed to allow you to take your baby's temperature without even touching him, It is enough to get Thermofocus close to your baby's forehead to see his body temperature in a few seconds.

This thermometer's measurements are quick, precise, hygienic, and safe! You can even measure the temp on food, room, bath water....anything!

A correct measurement is easily determined thanks to a LED system emitting two light beams (normal red light which is totally safe). As the thermometer is moved closer to the forehead, at the right distance the two beams converge to form a single red spot on the skin of the forehead. 

I plan to pick up one of these for The Buddy soon :o) Great thing is you can find it at most retailers!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion



  1. now that looks cool! I hate having to fight my kids to take their temp...this invention just might take that part away! Yay!

  2. Tiffany,
    Don't live in Dallas, we live near Houston, TX and it was the Katy Mills Mall! Didn't know Grapevine had a big outlet mall? We are planning a trip in December to Grapevine for Great Wolf Lodge and the Gaylord Texan! SMALL WORLD :)

  3. What a fantastic invention! Even though I'm not a mom (yet!) I can certainly relate to growing up outnumbered by boys (8 brothers, and me right in the middle). Proms and homecomings were always a treat!
