My tot clock

I feel blessed to have a son that sleeps late on weekends and totally rocks his naps, but I have friends that struggle with these traits. The worst part of toddlers not sleeping well is the fact that they can't tell time. If only they knew it was 5AM, right!?Well, Pamela Gonzalez created this product out of her own sleep deprivation. Her oldest at 2 years old was moved to a big boy bed and suddently had trouble sleeping.

She has thought of everything with this product! My Tot Clock is an all-in-one sleep aid, alarm clock, nightlight, and timer for children ages 2+. It teaches little ones when to sleep (blue light) and when it's okay to get out of bed (yellow light). It also plays bedtime stories, lullabies, fun wake music, and even white noise (like ocean sounds)! As an added bonus, My Tot Clock has a light blue light for nap time, a red light for timeout, and a green light for any positive timed activity. Perfect for those young enough to start learning a daily routine, but not old enough to be able to tell time. Also great for their sleepy parents! The best part is it is guaranteed better sleep or your money back!

A good friend of mine was actually a part of this product study and is even quoted on the front of the website. She is so pleased with this product and what it did for her to boys. I know you will feel the same! Go check it out here: My Tot Clock

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion. 


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