Vacay!...well sorta

It is party week, folks! We are eye ball deep into swim lessons, getting ready for company and party planning here at the Nelson house. In light of this, I will be absent this week. I hope that you will forgive me and I will see you first thing next week! :o)

In the meantime, please feel free to pass on your parties, back to school ideas and "You know you're a boy mom when..."feature while I am out and we will reconvene next Monday. Thanks, friends and I will "see" you soon!



  1. Thanks for stopping by my site! I also have a busy week ahead and start back to work at a school. I know I'm a boy mom when I have not spent one day in the past two years doing anyone's hair. Noone's. Not even my own.

  2. ok, so you totally already gave me some great "sports" ideas for my son's 4th birthday, but now a slight change in plans...and I need YOUR advice! We wanna do the party a week early, which would mean Oct. 30th, the day before Halloween! We'd love to do a halloween theme birthday party and have all the friends dress up! my son wants to be a fireman, so little man can be his dalmation fire dog! but in our area, the city fire dept will come out to do demo's, let kids try gear on, and use the fire hose-its a great service and think it'll fit in with our theme and their costumes...but what else? halloween food or birthday food? i'd like it to be halloween theme so the kiddos can wear their costumes...??? arghh, that's why I met a great Bloggy Party Planner like YOU!!
