
I am not sure what to think of the Caboose Diaper Potty, but I wanted to pass it along to you all in case you ever need to make small talk at your next stroller strides class...or wherever...hehe

I am actually totally intrigued by this product. It is a travel potty that uses a diaper as the liner. It is invented by a mother and made in the USofA. It is compact in size and can fit in your diaper bag or stroller.

This product seems to be a great thing to have handy for your potty training toddler. Anyone every try one out?? If so, do share!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion!



  1. I have a friend that travels quite frequently to visit family and she has one of those...I'll have to ask her about it, but she must like it, she's been using it on road trips for a while now :) I was looking back on your older post, those "tinkle targets" are hysterical! I have two boys and have NEVER seen those. I know I could have used something like that when my three year old was potty training! Ha!

  2. Yes! Please ask your friend what she thinks. It seems sort of genius to of those why didn't I think of that kind of things :o)

    I am so glad you are finding thing here you haven't seen before. That is the goal.

  3. Dad & I think it's pretty brilliant!
    Cool Find!
