Does your buddy love to work on the computer, but you don't feel comfortable just letting him have at it? That is how I have felt about my buddy and the computer. He is totally intrigued with it, but he is only 22 months old and I don't want to start bad habits of too much nonsense computer use and then there is the whole unsafe internet problem!!

BUT If I knew that he could be using a browser that not only blocks him from the big bad internet, but is also educational, fun, AND creates a report so I can see what he has been working on (how cool is THAT!) then I say...sign me up!

That is precisely what Zoodles has done. They have scoured the internet (so I don't have to) in order to bring us a FREE browser, especially for kids, that makes it simple for them to find lots of fun activities – all by themselves!

Here is how it works: You child (for ages 2-8) can launch the program from the icon on your desktop. Your Buddy will then enter a full-screen mode of Zoodles that will keep them from exiting out and finding inappropriate content or accidentally deleting your important files (all totally ad free). Zoodles is even smart enough to adapt to the age and ability of each child so they don’t get frustrated? The Buddy doesn't need to know how to read or type to get around. In fact, their kid-friendly interface has stripped out confusing Back buttons and URL bars so the browsing experience is as easy and appealing for kids as possible.

It took only a matter of minutes to download the browser and The buddy and I were off and running! I was surprised that it kept his interest for almost 20 minutes. His "playground" offered over 12 different features to play with. When he gets a little older I wouldn't have any problems leaving him to play on his own. My FAVORITE part was going to the Parental Dashboard and getting a report on what he was working on!! I can even choose what subject I want to be most represented in his playground.

Some other highlights worth mentioning:
Ad blocking/Violence Filtering Browser
Zoodles Play Timer
Parent Play along Mode

Soooo Who is ready for a FREE 3 Month PREMIUM Membership?? Zoodles is kind enough to offer this S.W.A.G to one of P to P's lucky readers! Here is how you can win!

#1 Become a follower of Pedicures to Puddles - 1 entry
 (comment below in order to activate your entry)

#2 Become a facebook fan of BOTH Pedicures to Puddles and Zoodles - 2 entries
(comment below in order to activate this option)

#3 Tweet/Facebook about the giveaway - 3 entries
(comment below with link to your tweet/post)

#4 Download the Zoodles browser - 4 entries
(coment below in order to activate this entry)

If you fully participate you could have 10 chances to win this goodie!

Notes: Giveway will end on Friday, July 2nd at Midnight (central time). Winner will be selected with random.org and will be announced Saturday morning. They will have until Monday morning at 10am to claim their goodie. If winner does not come forward in time, a new winner will be selected.

Thanks for participating and Good Luck!!


  1. You won the $25 Expressions Vinyl GC...blog announcement to follow! Congrats!!!

  2. I am a lover and follower!!

    Amy N.

  3. I am now a fan of both FB pages...been yours for awhile and just became Zoodles...

    Amy N.

  4. Amy Bureman Noreen via From Pedicures to Puddles: My cousins "Boy blog" is having a giveaway...Here's the information, if you haven't visited her blog yet you MUST, it's full of great finds and fun. This new giveaway is sure to be a blast for your boys!

    From Pedicures to Puddles: ZOODLES Review and GIVEAWAY!

    Amy N.

  5. Amy Bureman Noreen via From Pedicures to Puddles: My cousins "Boy blog" is having a giveaway...Here's the information, if you haven't visited her blog yet you MUST, it's full of great finds and fun. This new giveaway is sure to be a blast for your boys!

    From Pedicures to Puddles: ZOODLES Review and GIVEAWAY!

    Amy N.
