Target Practice

Although I have not had to start the potty training process just yet, I have some friends that are starting to conquer that mountain. This post is for you! Stemming from the reviews alone it looks as though Tinkle Targets are a must have for the 'boy mom' climbing that daunting mountain.

Now, we have all heard of the cheerio method where you drop a cheerio in the bowl and have your little buddy aim....but I have also heard of the little buddy that insists on wanting to then grab the cheerio out of the bowl! Tinkle Targets use the same fascination of target practice without the temptation to grab.

The Tinkle Targets are biodegradable/flushable and generally come several to a pack. I am intrigued! I also like that they come in themes. There is Sports, Construction, and Transportation.

Do you have any potty training tips that another 'boy mom' could benefit from? Have you used Tinkle Targets?
This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion

1 comment:

  1. Although I like the concept, we actually trained Isaiah to go potty sitting down instead of standing up so that going #2 would be easier. I've heard too many horror stories of boys going poop at the same time they were standing up to go #1, LOL!
