Teacher Thank You Gifts

Did your buddy have the best teacher this year?? Do you wish he could have a teacher like her every year!? If so, then make sure you tell her how much she meant to your buddy by giving her a thank you gift on the last day of school. I realize for some of you this may be a little late and I apologize for that. Just file it away for next year!

Water Bottle Tag

This is a simple idea that any teacher would appreciate. You can find the tutorial HERE.

Gift of Relaxation

A simple beach towel, magazine, and sunscreen
Idea found HERE. She even created a version for her son's bus driver with a sports illustrated and sweat proof sunscreen. This one is too easy not to do. 


There are TONS of ways to decorate a clipboard and I bet your teacher doesn't have a cute one like this! You can find the tutorial HERE.

Summer Friends
 HERE is an easy tutorial on a brilliant idea! A great way for your buddy to keep in touch with his friends over the summer. It was made with a simple school clipart and printed wallet size so many print to a page. Have your little guy hand them out on the last day of school!


And The Winner Is...

I was very careful in making sure that every blog follower, facebook fan, and party submitted, etc was accounted for when completing random.org! Without further ado...our winner is

Rosie said...

"Okay, I just added this to my facebook, now I've gotta go add it to my blog!"

Congrats, Girl! Please email me at pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com by 10AM on Monday, May 31st with your size and address where you would like for your CU-UTE new T to be sent!!
Thank you, everyone for your kind words and entries! I have enjoyed hearing from you and hope to have another giveaway in the near future. And as always...if you have a great find or party to share, we would love to hear it!!


Putting Fun in Functional

** Reminder: Get-A-Goodie ends at Midnight Central Time Tonight!!**

The Boon Company have some really creative products, especially the Animal Bag. I think this product is brilliant! The idea is that you stuff the sack with all your soft, plush and stuffed animals; which then creates a perfect bean bag of sorts!


See....brilliant! Now if your buddy has near as many stuffed animals as mine does, this is definitely a need.

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for...Popsicles!

** Reminder: Get-A-Goodie ends at 12AM Central Time Friday, May 28**

Homemade Popsicles are a great way to celebrate this Memorial Day weekend! They are super easy and loved by all. Try one of these recipes and you are sure to be a popular mommy!


  • 1 4 oz. pkg. instant chocolate pudding

  • 2 cups milk

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1 cup canned evaporated milk
Combine the pudding and 2 cups milk. Beat for 2 minutes. Stir in sugar and canned milk. Pour in to popsicle molds. Freeze.

Cookies 'N Cream Frozen Popsicles

  • 1 cup Cool Whip

  • 12 Oreo Cookies - crushed

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • 1 4-serving pack of Vanilla Instant Pudding
Mix the above ingredients together and pour into your mold set to make popsicles. Freeze for 4-5 hours before serving.

Polar Popsicles

  •  4 cups strawberries
  • 1/3 cup Tropical Punch flavored sugar-sweetened soft drink mix

 Rinse strawberries and remove stems. Place strawberries and flavored soft-drink mix into a blender container, cover and blend on low speed for 1 1/2 minutes or until smooth. Pour mixture into your popsicle molds and insert the sticks and freeze for 3 hours.
You can find lots of molds out there. This is my favorite!
Makes 10, 3-ounce treats; includes 24 wooden sticks 


Summer Lovin

** Reminder: Get-A-Goodie ends at 12AM Central Time Friday, May 28**

Summer is upon us and we have been finding ourselves playing outside most evenings. Now we just need to add some cool stuff to make it awesome! One of my favorite "go to" places is One Step Ahead for neat finds. Here is our wish list for summer goodies!

Dripstick 2 pack $7.95

And my personal favorite (wonder what the weight limit is:o)

What is on your list for cool summer stuff?? Share it with us at pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


Time to Party Tuesday: The Mouse!

** Reminder: Get-A-Goodie ends at 12AM Central Time Friday, May 28**

Fellow boy mom and good friend, Adriane just threw the cutest Mickey party for D's 2nd birthday! Check out this cake!

She was going for a color scheme of Red, Yellow, and blue with splashes of Black.

Perfect popcorn boxes made by mom herself!

Mickey shaped bowls
The hand is actually a soap dish!!

Uhh-dorable chocolate dipped rice crispy treat favors

I love Adriane's creativity and the reminder to always be on the lookout for party supplies...even if it takes you to the bathroom aisle :o) You can find more pics here.

Did you host or attend a great boy party?? If you would like it to be featured on Time to Party Tuesday, please contact me at pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com.



Welcome to From Pedicures to Puddles first ever giveaway
or Get-A-Goodie as I am calling it!! SO....what is up for grabs??

Why a Boy Moms Rock Tshirt, of course!!

So, How do you enter the get-a-goodie??

Earn ONE entry:
* Become a follower (add comment even if you are already a follower)
*Add From Pedicures to Puddles to your blog roll (and comment here with the link to your blog)
* Become a Fan/Like From Pedicures to Puddles on Facebook (and comment here)

Earn TWO entries:
* Tweet about this giveaway (add comment here)
*Update your facebook status with a link to this giveaway (add link to your facebook post in the comments section)
*Blog about this giveaway (add comment with link)

Earn THREE entries:
*Submit a great find to be featured
* Submit a boy's party to be featured  (with a link to pictures)

If you fully participate you could have 15 chances to win this goodie!

Notes: Get-a-goodie will end on Friday, May 28th at 12AM central time. Winner will be selected with random.org and will be announced Saturday morning. They will have until Monday morning at 10am to claim their goodie. If winner does not come forward in time, a new winner will be selected.

Thanks for participating and Good Luck!!


Business in the front...

I am loving these Tie front Tshirts at We Choose Joy! I like the colors and patterns available. The price is great too!

$15 for T-shirts and $30 for tshirt/beanie sets. I think this is going to be my next go to baby shower gift!!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


Night Vision

What male in your life wouldn't love to have the ability of night vision!?

Your honey and little buddy will both love the Eyeclopse. With it you can see up to 50' feet clearly in the dark. How cool is that!!? It is never to early to start your Christmas shopping...

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


Truth About Boys

I am in love with a new website! Well, new to me anway. It is called Picnik and it is a FREE picture editing site. I am having so much fun with it. Above is The Buddy with a typical boy poem by Alan Marshall Beck. Wouldn't this be a great framed gift for a Lala!? So hurry up, go check it out and let me know what you create!!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion

Time to Party Tuesday: Step it Up!

THIS boy party makes me smile! It just goes to show that anything can serve as party inspiration. This awesome first birthday was created by a boy mom who's husband loves his athletic shoes.

Easy and brilliant centerpiece of the Birthday boys own shoe collection. Isn't it perfect!? I love how the invite asks guests to wear their coolest shoes.

Cute favors: shoe note pads

When planning your buddy's next birthday, take a note from the Poe family! Start with something they love and run with it. That is how we came to the Chutes and Ladders theme for my little Buddy. He loves to climb and slide!

Did you host or attend a great boy party?? If you would like it to be featured on Time to Party Tuesday, please contact me at pedicurestopuddles@yahoo.com.


Freakin Fedorable!

I recently came across some tiny sized fedora hats and HAD to share them with you. They are Uber Cute and I beg of you to get one, put it on your little buddy and send me pics! The Buddy won't wear anything on his head, so these are out for me :o(

Aren't they perfect??

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion


tap, tap....anyone out there?

Although I have come across lots of neat finds for boys and boy moms...I would love to hear what you love! Anytime you come across a neat product, outfit, store or funny story, please feel free to pass it on. We could all benefit from it. So...what are you gonna send first!?

Also, if you are ever compelled to leave a comment please do! My hope is for this blog to become a place for similar moms to share the ins and outs of being a 'boy mom'. So go ahead and join the club with a comment about what you think. I know you have thoughts about the things you see here...Tell us about it!


Vinyl Attraction

Vinyl Attraction has the greatest vinyl wall coverings. I especially love their jungle theme wall stickers and think it would liven up any playroom or boys room.

This is The Buddy's nursery that was painted by Lala (my mom)

Wouldn't this make a perfect addition?:

If the Jungle theme isn't for you, Sports might be.

Or just a good ole monogram...you can't go wrong with that!

This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion

Name Frame

I grew up with a very crafty mom, but unfortunately none of it trickled down to me. :o( My Mother is A-Amazingly creative and  never ceases to completely impress me with her ideas and projects. I am so intrigued by people that can create things. My cousins good friend, (and fellow boy mom) Rosemary, is one of these people. I have personally seen her creations and am impressed with how detailed she is.

Her Name Frame is a hot item that would be a cool addition to your Buddy's room or gift for a fellow boy mom! The best part of the process with Rosemary is that you can choose any color scheme or theme to completely customize your order. We are already working on one for The Buddy.

Check out the one she created for her son:

Isn't that a perfect gift idea?!

 This post is not sponsored and 100% my opinion